Morbius Final Trailer

Feast your eyes on the final Morbius trailer as the new Marvel legend finally makes his arrival.

Article Published on 28.02.2022

After suffering so many setbacks and delays, Morbius is one of the most eagerly-awaited films of the year, and a new and final trailer swoops in to whet fans’ appetites with a look at Jared Leto’s transformative performance, Morbius’ bloodthirsty powers, and a previously unseen glimpse at Matt Smith’s mysterious role. With all of that said, the trailer isn’t overly concerned with bringing anything we haven’t seen before and more to build excitement by confirming that the wait for the Marvel legend’s much-delayed arrival will finally be over. Furthermore, it also confirms that fans will be able to sink their teeth into the superhero origin story sooner than they thought as it confirms the release of March 31.


A new marvel legend arrivesCLICK TO FIND OUT MORE