They Call Me Mr Glass

After a shock twist revealed Split shared its universe with Unbreakable, a new superhero franchise was born. A dark, grounded thriller with almost no CGI - could this be the anti-MCU?

Article Published on 14.01.2019

M. Night Shyamalan blew our minds with The Sixth Sense in 1999. A year later, Unbreakable did it again. But having defined twist endings for a generation of cinemagoers, the world began to always expect a hidden truth behind the curtain.

Sixteen years later, Shyamalan returned to greatness with Split, where he introduced us to Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), a man suffering with dissociative identity disorder. Kevin’s mind houses twenty-three personalities, each boasting entirely different physical abilities and characteristics. Lurking beneath the surface is number twenty-four, “The Beast,” a super-powered creature with near limitless strength.

With an incredible performance from McAvoy, this fraught thriller’s final scene opened the parameters of its story’s world, revealing Unbreakable’s reluctant superhero hero, David Dunn, watching events unfold on TV. And so, the Shyamala-verse was born.

In a hotly anticipated conclusion to the unexpected trilogy, David, Mr Glass, and all of Kevin’s personalities collide. While manipulating the world around him, Glass prepares to reveal the truth about superheroes and villains. But as he slowly poisons Kevin’s more stable personalities, David must be prepared to sacrifice himself to stop the monster that remains.

Unbreakable Recap

Eastrail 177 crashes, killing one-hundred-and-thirty-one passengers. There is one survivor, David Dunn, who, astoundingly, doesn’t have a scratch on him. Across the city, Elijah Price - a man with “bones that break like glass” - has spent a lifetime trying to find those who are his genetic opposite - people with profound strength of body and mind, who are “unbreakable.” As David struggles with the odds of his survival, Elijah explains that he believes David is a genuine superhero. Slowly realising that Elijah’s correct, David accepts his calling. At Unbreakable’s conclusion, David shakes Elijah’s hand, and sees the horrible truth; in trying to find a superman, “Mr Glass” instigated a dozen terrorist disasters (including David’s train crash) with a death toll of thousands.


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